September 2024
RE: 2024-2025 School Year/AHERA
The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) required that all educational
facilities be inspected for asbestos – containing materials and develop a remedial plan of
action on or before May 9, 1989. In addition, each educational facility shall reassess all
identified asbestos – containing materials or materials assumed to be asbestos, at least
once every six months (Periodic Surveillance) and re-inspect those facilities every three
years (Tri-annual Re-inspection).
The River Vale Board of Education is in compliance with these inspection requirements.
The most recent Tri-annual re-inspection was performed in October of 2022. “Periodic
Surveillance” inspections are now conducted every January and July, unless a Tri-annual
Re-inspection is due. The most recent “Periodic Surveillance” inspection was performed
in July 2024, with the next one scheduled for January 2025.
Following each inspection, appropriate remedial actions are recommended to the Board
of Education by an accredited Asbestos Management Planner. The remedial plans of
action and recommended schedules for implementation (Asbestos Management Plans)
are available for review at the River Vale Board of Education Administrative Office, as
well as in each school office.
This past summer, an asbestos abatement effort was untaken at the Woodside Elementary
School. The project involved the non-friable removal of asbestos containing floor tile and
mastic throughout most areas of the building in preparation for extensive renovations.
The project was conducted in accordance with all Federal and State rules, regulations,
and guidelines. The details of the projects can be viewed with the Asbestos Management
We will continue to keep you informed of our AHERA compliance.
To view the full letter, click here: AHERA Notification 2024-2025